毎一件卡图的新作品问世过程中,我们都竭力运用我们的全部知识、和专业经验,打造能够满足个体需求的设计。我们的团队不断用创意、专注和辛勒的工作发扬着我们的杰出理念,能够与这样的团队合作我感到很自豪。 我们与一支外国的设计师团队保持紧密合作,他们为卡图打造专属作品;同时我们还有强大的产品经理团队,协调所有事务,并确保紧跟最新的生活潮流。因此,整个理念能够进行下去,无论您以何种方式将其组合在一起。


Per Weiss
Per Weiss was born in 1959 in Denmark and is the Director of Innovation Design Office International. As an all-round creative person, he started his career as a professional musician, while already studying at the School of Architecture in Aarhus. Then giving a higher priority to his design visions, he worked for some of the famous Danish architectes, Friis & Moltke and Schmidt-Hammer & Lassen. In 1988 he graduated as an industrial designer. Since 1989 Per Weiss has been the head of Innovation Design Office and responsible for.

Flemming Hoejfeldt
Flemming Hoejfeldt was born in 1950 in Denmark and is the owner of Innovation. The inventive and multi-skilled entrepreneur founded the company back in 1971, where he functioned successfully as designer, engineer and production manager in one. His first design was the Deltabag, which in 2006 was relaunched as the Player beanbag. Today he has specialised staff, but as a truly autodidact person, Flemming Hoejfeldt still keeps an eye on every step of the process at Innovation, and is happy to take the challenge, whenever obstacles occur. He keeps his feet on the ground and yet never misses a good opportunity to develop design or business. Flemming Hoejfeldt is the driving power behind the worldwide expansion of Innovation as well as several good design ideas.

Andreas Lund
Andreas Lund was born in 1969 in Denmark. At Innovaion the has contributed to the design process of the popular sofa beds Wing and Puzzle. He started his career as an organ builder before he studied at the Danish School of Design, where he graduated in 2000. Thanks to his talent, Andreas Lund has been rewarded with numerous design funds and prizes. With his own company, Format Design, he has created both furniture and product design for several Danish companies and participated in variou exhibitions. Today he is moreover teaching at the Danish School of Design and the School of Architecture in Copenhagen.

Jens Vang
Jens Vang was born in 1973 in Denmark. He graduated from the Aarhus School of Architecture in 2000. and already during his industrial design studies, He started working for Innovaiton. Contributing with a cteative mind and colourful ideas, like the Combination Table. From 2001 he worked fore Weiss Design Works before he started his oun company, Dobber-Design, in 2003. The same year he won a design competition advertised by the famous Danish furniture company Fritz Hansen with his chair "Attitude". Since 2007 he has been responsible for the gents collecion of Pilgrim - Sunglasses, watches and jewellery.

Wenjing Fu
Wenjing Fu was born in 1984 in China. She studied industrial design at the Changchun University of Science and Technology, where she graduated in 2006. Since 2007 she has been a part of the Innovation China Design office as a product and concept designer.